The landing page is an effective, if not The Most Effective, tool for increasing sales and convert your visitors. This is the first of a series of posts about landing pages. I plan to do a few. First: Intro.
Sorry for stating the obvious, but the reigning king of the landing page is possibly Apple. It’s true, they have a strong and beautifully designed product range that flourishes through magnified macro photos in extremely high detail. And they also know how to do landing pages. Some say their pages are too flashy and too much, but they’re sure pushing boundaries. Just look at the page for AirPods Pro, pictured above.
Now, this is a world-leading tech company with a market value equal to many countries collected BNP. We love Apple. (And Apple loves writers like me who give them free marketing.) And we can learn a lot from how they do it.
What do we learn? Two things:
One: Apple creates a landing page for every product line they sell. Every link leads to a landing page. See for yourself. This shows that a landing page is an effective tool.
Two: Companies in Apple’s size can’t rely solely on their well-built products, they need the marketing to be equally good to make the products cool and craved. This is very important: They use fewer words than pictures. And when using words, they are powerful statements with a bit of referential humour. Add a bit of fear of missing out, and we’re done.
No news here, it is just good old copywriting.
I imagine the marketing team presenting any given Apple product’s landing page as Don Draper talked about the campaign for Kodak Carousel. We all remember it, one of Mad Men’s best pitches. I believe it was hard for them to come up with pitches like that one for every season, and that’s maybe why there were so few of these genius ones.

(credit: Read about Don’s 9 best pitches on Entertainment Weekly)
But let’s face it: We are not working on an ad agency in the 60’s, although we all would feel cozy drinking whisky and casually invent the wheel. Still, good copywriting will never die. It only shapeshifts into new forms, one of them is a Landing Page.
The contents of a good landing page
There is a lot to say about this. I am just trying to get my head around it myself and doing the research for you (you’re welcome). What I have found on most good ones is a combination of these things:
- It grabs my attention (Hero-section)
- Simple design with a lot of space
- One CTA-button (Most often in the Hero-section)
- Fear of missing out, or more information on the next step/scroll
Have a look at these four examples:

First out is Glossier. Landing page means you stir an interest. The hype is huge wherever they open a pop-up store. But this is how Glossier started, as a blog ( and a webshop. They play it light and feminine with a close up that leaves us curious how the product actually looks like – let’s shop now! We do see two CTA’s, but the difference in colour and space makes them communicate separate actions.

Next case. Mous goes straight into business. I don’t want to smash my phone, I want to protect it. I will go ahead and “Shop now” which is proven to be the most effective text on a button. Simple, quick copy that respects me as a reader. I don’t need to read much, I get it straight away and don’t have to waste any time.

Harry’s legacy is built on a classic, refined copywriting. As a male with beard, I feel intrigued by their shave plan, it’s a very nice word play. We get short and bang on information with horizontal bullet points with enough meat to get us started. I would believe most of us don’t even scroll, we just see “Try for two weeks” and let our eyes go back to the CTA and click.
Neil Patel

In web marketing, Neil Patel is somewhat of a star. He is born same year as me, but in contrast to me he started his first web site when we both were in high school. Some years ago he developed Ubersuggest, which is what we see above. Now his own webpage is directly connected to it. And this landing page is so efficient. The headline inspires me so much that I almost want to start a company just to see if the tool works.
So, what about your page?
If you want me to have a look at your page to see if we can increase conversions – please drop me a line here and I am all yours.
The beautiful picture of a landing plane is from unsplash.